A Couple of November Mammals!

First Frost of the Season!

August wildflowers!

Summer in full swing at the MPEC!

Summer Solstice in Beulah beats the heat!

Summer was welcomed by around 50 of us, ages 1 - ?, drumming in the new season outside the historic Horseshoe Lodge. A great time was had by all on a lovely evening in a lovely setting!
Community Ice Cream Social!

Come Join MPEC for a community-wide ice cream social. We're renovating the Horseshoe Lodge and breathing new life into this historic gem at Pueblo Mountain Park. Enjoy ice cream, a slide presentation, tour the Lodge and view our plans for renovation.
It'll be yummy.
Saturday, June 16, 1pm to 4pm at the Lodge in Pueblo Mountain Park
Mountainside Gourmet Dinner Fundraiser

Mountainside Gourmet Dinner: a fundraiser to benefit Mountain Park Environmental Center
Get away to the mountains and enjoy a private residence overlooking the beautiful valley while experiencing a delicious four-course dinner. Hosted by Karin Kyte Romero, featuring renowned chefs Mary Oreskovich and Richard Warner of Hope Scotch Bakery and Steel City Diner!
Saturday July 28 6:00 pm Reception; 7:00 pm Dinner
Tickets: $150 each*
* A portion of each ticjet is tax deductible and will go towards renovating the historic Horseshoe lodge as MPEC's new headquarters and retreat center.
Reserve your ticket by calling 719-485-4444.
Beulah, Colorado Outdoor Summer Fun

You are invited to the Summer Solstice Drum Circle in Beulah at MPEC
The summer night is like a perfection of thought. ~Wallace Stevens
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time. ~John Lubbock
Thurs, June 21, 6:30pm
A great way to usher in the summer - bring your friends, children, grandparents, outdoor lawn chairs and enjoy a summer evening in the pines. You can bring a drum or use one of ours.
Spring storm brings more snow!!!

MPEC welcomes spring with some noise!

Happy spring, Dave
Spring arrives in Pueblo Mountain Park!
A hike along the Tower and Mace Trails yesterday afternoon (March 19) revealed blooming kinnikinnick, one mountain bladderpod with a couple of open buds, lots of spring beauties, a Fendler senecio with one bud showing some yellow (but not quite open yet), and a few pasque flowers open in a grassy area between the ballpark and the Devil's Canyon trailhead. New green leaves were on a few mountain mahogany (small bushes in sunny, rocky areas along Mace Trail), and the wax currant are several days with new green growth. A patch of creeping holly grape along the upper road is showing lots of round yellow buds, not quite open, but soon. So, spring is popping out all over on this 20th day of March, 2007.
Ranger Dave
Participate in a MPEC Guided Hike!
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
Ø Sat, Mar 10, 1pm Daylight Savings / Late Winter Hike Surprise, daylight savings is a month earlier. It matters not to the natural world! Depending on conditions, we may see or hear some early breeding bird activity, and we may see a few early season blooming flowers, but we will definitely be out in Nature on this late winter hike.
Ø Sun, Mar 18, 10am, (Almost) Spring Equinox Hike The sun is halfway on its sky-climbing journey between its December low point on the winter solstice and its June high point on the summer solstice. Celebrate spring on this exhilarating hike along the trails of the park.
Ø Sun, Apr 8, 1pm, Early Spring Hike Enjoy an afternoon hike and notice how spring is beginning to take hold on the landscape of Pueblo Mountain Park.
Ø Sat, Apr 14, 10am, Early Wildflower Hike Usually, by this date, nearly a dozen species of wildflowers are already blooming in Pueblo Mountain Park, including kinnikinnick, mountain bladderpod, and Nelson larkspur. Join us as we search for these flowery signs of spring.
Winter's Snow Totals Through February

A Flying Abert's Squirrel!!!

We've Done It -- Thanks Everyone!
Let's keep the momentum going for the Horseshoe Lodge!
The Year's First Wildflower, Right On Schedule

Winter snow and School programs
Love Photographs: A Fund-Raiser for the MPEC at Horseshoe Lodge Project!
You’ll receive an 8x10 high quality color or b & w photograph
Cost: $15 ($10 goes to the MPEC Horseshoe Lodge Project)
Take a photo with the one you love, or something you love and help to rebuild the historic Horseshoe Lodge that we love!
Photographs may be picked up on/after February 16th at The
Stompin’ Grounds. Must be paid in full the day photo is taken.
For more information, contact the MPEC at 485-4444
or The Stompin’ Grounds at 485-0852.
Grandma Emma's Snowshoe Fund-Raiser for the Horseshoe Lodge

Here are some photos of this past Sunday's Snowshoe Fund-Raiser for Women, organized by the wonderful MPEC member and supporter, Susan Finzel-Aldred. As a volunteer member of the MPEC's Horseshoe Lodge Action Group, Susan is organizing several of thee fun events in memory of her naturalist Grandma Emma. The day also included a tour of the Horseshoe Lodge, treats, and a slide presentation on the Lodge Project. If you would like to organize a similar program for your friends or group, contact the MPEC at mpec@fone.net.